Rachel Tari

Rachel Tari
Emergency Care
Rachel Tari
Dr. Rachel Tari is originally from the Greater Toronto Area, and always wanted to become a veterinarian when growing up. After completing a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science and Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences from the University of Guelph, Rachel moved to London, U.K. to study veterinary medicine at the Royal Veterinary College. During veterinary school, Rachel became interested in emergency medicine and critical care, writing her final year dissertation on the detection of shock in dogs. Rachel moved to the west coast in 2021, and in her spare time, likes to do yoga, travel and attend art exhibits, and spend time with her three-legged cat, Toula.
See our departments

Emergency Care

Emergencies happen. When they do, our highly trained emergency veterinary healthcare team is dedicated to helping you and your companion any time of the day. Whenever possible, our veterinarians work in consultation with your primary care veterinarian.


We do everything possible to ensure that every patient receives timely access to veterinary care. Like human emergency rooms, we operate on a triage system – this means that more seriously ill or injured patients are seen before less seriously ill or injured patients. During high-volume times patients with minor ailments and injuries can experience longer wait times.

What happens “in the back”?

At times, potentially seriously injured or ill patients may be taken straight into our hospital’s triage room or treatment areas based on our triage system. These patients will be assess by a doctor immediately and receive life-saving treatment such as fluids and oxygen and/or pain medication when appropriate.

Vancouver Animal Emergency & Referral Centre

2303 Alberta Street

Vancouver, BC V5Y 4A7

Main: 604-879-3737

Fax: 604-733-6340

Emergency Hours :

    Mon-Sun: Open 24 hours

ER service may be affected, please call for availability.

Referral Hours:

Mon-Sat 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, varies by department. Please call for availability.

Are you a Primary Care Veterinarian? We have dedicated resources for you.

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