All West Animal Hospital
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
All West Animal Hospital
All West Animal Hospital
Help keep your pet happy and healthy with regular grooming and coat maintenance by our well-trained professional groomers. Consult with one of our grooming specialists about your pet’s grooming needs, including a bath, full groom or just a pedicure. De-skunk, flea treatments and specialty grooms available.
Frequent visits to the groomer are essential for your pet`s health and well-being. Matted coats can lead to your pet being very uncomfortable. Mats under the armpits can cause pain when walking and jumping, matted fur close to the skin allows for moisture build up and makes pet’s more susceptible to rashes and other skin conditions. Skin underneath mats can become thin and tear easily. Toenails that are too long can cause pet’s to change their gait leading to joint problems and pain.
How often should a pet be groomed?
Dogs should visit the groomer every 6-8 weeks, beginning at 3 months of age and Cats that require grooming should visit every 3 months.
Cost of a full groom?
Cost varies depends on; size, breed and coat condition. All of our groomers and assistants are trained to handle our patients and grooming pets with gentleness and love. Let our groomer or client care representatives know of your pet’s needs when booking and a consult can be arranged with the Veterinarian prior to the groom if sedation may be required.
Does my pet need to be vaccinated in order to be admitted to the grooming salon?
Yes. All pets require valid up to date vaccinations for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo, Bordetella and Rabies in order to be admitted for services To learn about all the grooming services offered at our hospital, please call us and we would love to help keep your pet looking great from nose to tail.