Green Acres Animal Hospital
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Green Acres Animal Hospital
Green Acres Animal Hospital
Pre-Planning for Your Pet’s Aftercare
Pre-planning for your pet’s after care allows you to know that everything will be taken care of when the time comes. It also means that when the time arrives, you won’t have to make these decisions while you are grieving.Cremation FAQ’s
Making the decision to euthanize your pet is very difficult. It is just a little easier if you know what to expect. Here are some answers to questions we often hear.Cremation Services
Green Acres Animal Hospital is one of the only veterinary hospitals in Canada that is equipped with a professional crematorium facility inside the hospital, so your pet never leaves our care. When it is time to say good-bye, you can trust that your pet will be safe in our care until it is returned to you. If you wish to have your pet cremated you can know that they are not being sent away but are being handled only by our experienced staff members.
Our Cremation Services:
Our Cremation Services are available to anyone who has lost a dog, cat or small pet.
When It’s Time To Say Good-bye
We are never quite prepared for the loss of our pet. Whether death is swift and unexpected or whether it comes at the end of a slow decline, few of us are fully aware of what our pet means to our lives until our companion is gone.Reaching the Decision
To help you prepare for the decision to euthanize your pet, consider the following questions. They are intended only as a guide. Only you can decide what the best solution is for you and your pet. Take your time as these are not easy questions to face. Please feel free to discuss this with any of our team members.
Here are similar questions that are set up as a survey. Sometimes attaching a number and seeing the total can help you make a decision. A veterinary oncologist in California namedDr. Alice Villalobos has designed this questionaire to help owners determine their pet’s overall quality of life.
Speak to all family members regarding this decision. As each family member shares the care giving responsibilities for your pet, each member should have a say in the decision to have the pet euthanized. An honest approach is best when dealing with a child, who also needs to know that his or her feelings and opinions have been listened to before a pet is put down. Children need time to say good-bye.
The Euthanasia Process
When you are ready, the doctor will administer the injection of the Euthanasia solution which results in a rapid and painless overdose of anaesthetic.Children and the Death of a Pet
For many children, the death of their pet is their first experience with grief and loss. Losing a pet deserves very special attention and adults should not try to hide their sorrow.Talking about the pet afterwards is also wise because the pet deserves to be remembered as a part of the family and one of the child’s most wonderful friends. A child is prone to certain misconceptions about the subject of death and is often keenly aware that something is not right with his or her pet.
When a child experiences the death of a beloved pet, he or she may experience emotional reactions that can be painful and frightening. Here are several ways to help children cope with these reactions in a healthy way.
Find a quiet place where you can talk without interruption. Tell your child in simple language that their pet has died and what caused the death. If necessary, explain what the word “death” means. Avoid overloading your child with details.
Answer all questions truthfully in words children can understand. Inconsistent or incomplete answers may leave your child more unsettled and upset than hearing the truth itself.
Encourage the expression of feelings. Children will model their behaviour after their parents.
Try drawing, writing and talking together about the pet with your child.
Share your beliefs, hopes and faith about the soul or spirit of pets.
Children younger than five years have difficulty understanding the finality of death. They may need several explanations, long after the pet is gone, as to why he or she does not come back. This age group also takes words literally, so it is best not to use the phrase “put to sleep” with young children. From ages five to nine, children tend to perceive death as a punishment. They must be reassured that the pet did not die because of something the parents or they did or did not do. After age nine, children have a more realistic concept of death and can understand religious or philosophical ideas about it. Participating in a burial or memorial service for the pet, if possible, can make the child feel better. As well, you might:
Children process their thoughts and feelings by “doing”. By helping to guide your children, you will be giving them an important life tool: a model for how to say good-bye and a framework for dealing with death and other significant changes or losses they will experience in the future.
If you would like another resource to help you cope with the possibility or reality of the loss of your pet please click on this link for the Argus Institute. The Argus Institute is part of the vet teaching hospital at Colorado State University. They have some great articles and information on their website or you can order a downloadable copy of their book called “What Now? Support For You and Your Companion Animal”.Memorial Products