Rachael Moore, Veterinarian

Dr. Rachael Moore graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College as a member of the class of 2023. Prior to Veterinary School she completed her B.Sc (Honours) in Animal Biology at the University of Guelph. During her journey to attaining her DVM Rachael worked with wildlife, marine mammals and in laboratory settings. She always remembers being highly engaged with her family pets and where her interest in science at school intersected with animal care. Currenly, Rachael is the proud pet parent to "Athena" her chatty, snuggly, and always comical Sphynx kitty.

We were happy to have Rachael join VCA Port Colborne Animal Hospital during the summer of 2021 as we navigated the ongoing pandemic and experienced full immersion assisting us in delivering 'curbside' care. During that time, and her final years at OVC, we developed a keen interest in the impact of proactive and preventative care on quality of life and addressing smaller issues before they become larger health concerns. General soft-tissue surgery is also an area that Dr. Moore is keen to get more experience in to complement her already solid skills foundation demonstrated in this area during her final year rotations.

Rachael hails from the Niagara Region and is enjoying settling back into her home in the Dunnville/Wainfleet area. She is looking forward to camping, hiking and road trips to National Provincial Parks in the coming months and years.

When looking for a treat to tempt this new graduate "chocolate peanut butter flavoured" anything tops the list! Her preferred caffeine fix is traditional and no-nonsense: "coffee as needed for fueling purposes." For those non-active moments we all need - you will find Rachael enjoying a great movie on Netflix (with Athena likely nearby hiding under a blankie ).
Port Colborne Animal Hospital, our team

Our Veterinary Services

A healthy pet is a happy pet. That’s why our team of trained professionals offer quality care for your companion. We know them inside and out, which means we know when things are good and when we need to pay more attention. Our hospital is here for you. Click below to learn about the services we have available for your pet.

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