Acupuncture has been used for many years to improve human health and is becoming an available treatment option for our pets. Acupuncture is the practice of inserting a small thin needle into the skin or muscles to promote circulation, facilitate tissue relaxation, control pain and inflammation, and enhance normal nerve and physiological functions.
Commonly Treated Conditions
- Arthritis & Chronic Pain
- Post-operative Pain
- Spinal Cord & Nerve Injuries
- Intervertebral Disc Disease
- Digestive Disorders
- Kidney & Urinary Tract Disorders
- Adjunct to Palliative Care Programs
Dr. Edwards uses an integrated approach and often combines rehabilitation therapy, low-level laser therapy, acupuncture, nutrition, and pharmaceuticals for the most effective treatment strategy for your pet's individual medical and pain management needs. If you are concerned about your pet's level of discomfort, physical well-being, recovery, or have any questions concerning the potential for acupuncture to assist with your pet's health, please contact the clinic for further information.