Comprehensive Physical Exam

A Complete Nose To Tail Check Up

Our Nose To Tail Checkup gives a complete overview of your pet’s health, allowing us to see if there are any concerns or issues that need to be further examined. We typically recommend that younger, healthy pets get a full exam each year and that senior pets have them twice per year.

The “Nose To Tail” Exam Package Includes:
  • A convenient in-home housecall with one of our friendly, professional veterinarians.
  • A thorough physical exam checking all aspects of your pet’s physical health.
    • This includes the nose, ears, eyes, throat, mouth, teeth, body, paws, abdomen, as well as the respiratory system, heart rate and weight.
  • Full nail trim, if needed.
  • Dietary/nutritional consultation (Note: We will provide you with unbiased dietary and nutritional advice and give you recommendations based on your pet’s specic situation and needs).
  • In-home environmental assessment and review of the pet’s living and eating space. Our typical exam time is 25-30 minutes, which provides you ample time to ask any questions you like.

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