Mississauga Oakville Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital
Open 24 hours
Holiday Specialty Department Closures:
Dec 24 - 27
Dec 31 - Jan 1
Mississauga Oakville Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital
Neurology is a branch of medicine that is concerned with the study and treatment of disorders involving the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex and sophisticated system that is responsible for sending, receiving, and processing nerve impulses throughout the body. There are two main areas of the nervous system; the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system including sensory nerves and muscle activity.
Our Neurologists specialize in managing neurological disorders. Our neurologist will take an in-depth and comprehensive history followed by a thorough examination of your pet, paying specific attention to the nervous system. Once the area of concern has been identified our neurologist, in consultation with you, will recommend additional testing and/or treatment options.
Our Neurologists have access to specialized equipment and work closely with the other specialists throughout the hospital to ensure comprehensive care. Some common neurological tests include Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and cerebral spinal fluid analysis (Spinal tap).
The MRI adds one more advanced, non-invasive imaging diagnostic tool to our hospital. The equipment is an open system specifically designed for the veterinary patient.
By offering in house MRI services, the Mississauga-Oakville Veterinary Emergency Hospital is able to provide a prompt diagnosis and even complete surgical intervention within 12-24 hours of presentation for most neurological patients.
MR images are formed by tiny radiofrequency signals. A strong magnetic field aligns the natural spinning of water molecules within body tissues to create high resolution images.
MRI is the best modality to evaluate the nervous system. It is non-invasive and has the best contrast resolution. In addition to providing high quality images of the central nervous system, MRI is very useful when evaluating patients with signs of nose, eye or ear disease.
It is also the modality of choice when extension of lesions into the brain is suspected. MRI is excellent in evaluating extent and margins of soft tissue lesions. In cases of chronic wounds and draining tracts, it can help in identifying foreign bodies.
MRI allows a thorough evaluation of joints and other musculoskeletal structures.
MRI is ideal for cancer patients because of its utility in pre-surgical planning, treatment response with follow-up MRI scans and prognosis based on extent of disease.
Hospital Hours:
Mon-Sun: Open 24 hours
Holiday Specialty Department Closures:
Dec 24 - 27
Dec 31 - Jan 1